2025.9.10 (Wed)-12 (Fri) に,トルコ・イスタンブールで開催されます。
会議オリジナルの ホームページ(→)が公開されました。
・Biological treatment of wastewaters and wastes
・Chemical treatment of wastewaters and wastes
・Nutrient removal and recovery
・Resources recovery and reuse
・Advanced treatment processes and innovative technological applications
・Modelling and design interaction
・Sludge stabilization, utilization and disposal
・Treatment and use of waste from stockbreeding
・Run-off and control of pollutants from agricultural areas
・Innovative water and waste management system for agricultural area
・The climate change mitigation and adaptation in agro-industries
・Soil pollution and management
・Innovative solutions for wastewater reuse
・Sustainable production of bioactives (bio-char, bio-oil, bio-gas)
・Trends and challenges of by-product utilization in agro-industries
・Life-Cycle Assessment in agro-Industries
・Sustainable valorisation strategies of agro-wastes
・Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus in agro-industries
・Circular economy for agro-Industries
・Impacts of carbon border adjustment mechanism on agro-industries
・Fate and transport of micropollutants
・European Green Deal in agro-industries
・Sustainable nitrogen management in agriculture and agro-industries